About the Project


Our team used various sources to help us understand the the definitions of happiness and how different factors can help promote or affect the happiness level of humans in each country. We worked with the 2020 World Happiness Report Datasets which were obtained from the Gallup World Poll. The Gallup World Poll which is unique in the range and comparability of its global series of annual surveys filled with life evaluations which provide the basis for the annual happiness rankings.


We realized that drawing conclusions from our data as to why each country had their specific ladder score was difficult because each country had its own metrics that could have affected the score such as society and current events. Originally we wanted to formulate questions that encompassed the whole data set, however we soon realized that the questions we were asking have been brought up already or have no relevance to the study. We then decided to focus our central argument around the Nordic countries based on the data which leads us to our two research questions.

We created our data visualizations using Tableau, so we had to connect our data within this program. We made different kind of graphs,charts, and maps which was especially useful for the dataset because it had multiple categories.

We discovered that information in the dataset does not have enough sufficient details leading to conclusions beyond a simple correlation after cleaning and processing our datasets. We would have liked to analyze a bit further and research other potential data and literature sources if we had more time and resources since there are many potential research questions surrounding happiness scores.


We used WordPress to build our website and hosted the domain through UCLA’s Humspace portal. We wanted to choose a aesthetic theme relating to Happiness report so we chose lighter colors. All our embedded visualizations are from Tableau and we labeled it clearly so readers can decipher what the graphs and charts mean. We wanted our project to be accessible by the visually-impaired so we chose the display our visualizations in the color blind friendly palette and the images all have text caption.

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